Wednesday 31 March 2010

More Easter

A month or so ago I visited Stony Dean School in Amersham. The Young Enterprise company here have been very active with a whole range of products and services. They make the Holding Crosses we give children who are baptized in Church and I was collecting the latest supply. They were taking orders for simnel cakes. I collected my two cakes today. One has gone to the children but we have the other. We seem to be missing the chicken and the number of eggs is not quite right – but it’s still an enterprising activity. Wendy has commissioned a larger cross for the office. The school is given pieces of timber, some offcuts and some new. Wendy chose a piece of English Oak. I’ll report when the cross arrives.

Here’s our cake.

Tonight was the second – and last – performance of the Passion Play. Lots more photos below. It’s also featured on Bishop Alan’s Blog at

Passion Play 2


madhat said...

At first reading I thought the cross was going to be baked too! :-D

David said...

No - the crosses are wooden! For the full story look back to last year's blogs on 28 February, 13th and 15th March.