Tuesday 30 June 2009


I’m trying to sort out some Church things and blog them but Hockney is on the box. He’s talking about his Yorkshire project. He’s just amazing. His art is so varied and he constantly explores new ideas and new media. If you’re quick you can download three originals from bbc.co.uk/imagine. In the programme he paints a vast treescape for the Royal Academy (he just asked for and got the largest wall in the Summer Exhibition – how’s that for influence?) It was painted on 50 canvasses – but he used digital technology to develop and assemble the separate pictures into one. He announced it as the post-photography age... but the program ends with the news that he is now taking photographs of Yorkshire.

Do try to catch the programme again on the BBC Iplayer.

I remember seeing him on TV many years ago in the early days of digital imaging. There were a series of programmes where they gave artists the latest technology to play with. This was simply a way of drawing on the screen. Most found this difficult or uninteresting but Hockney was fascinated. I always remember the comment ‘of course anyone looking at this at home will have an original Hockney for a few minutes’

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