Wednesday 19 December 2012

Advent poem for 19th December


Come humbly, Holy Child,
stir in the womb,
of our complacency;
shepherd our vision
of the little we need 
for abundant living.

Come humbly, Holy Spirit,
to whisper through the leaves
in the garden of our ignorance,
exposing our blindness
to children dying,
hungry and in pain.

Come humbly, Holy Light,
Pierce our lack of generosity and love,
Scattering our dark fear
Of living freely in your way,
Poured out in wanton service.

Come humbly, Holy Wisdom,
cry through the empty streets
of our pretence to care,
that the face of the poor
will be lifted up,
for holy is the name.

Come humbly, Holy God,
Be born into our rejoicings,
Come quickly, humble God,
and reign.

In Janet Morley, ed, Bread of Tomorrow


This poem reminds us that Christ comes in such a variety of settings, many of them in the world today as much as in the past or the future. This challenges us to continue on our journey, living our life with an understanding of the world we live in and the needs of those less fortunate.


We are surrounded by those who are less fortunate
We see a world that is suffering
Help us to know your will for us Lord
Help us to see the glimmers of joy and hope
And the places where your Kingdom touches our world.

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